I’m excited to be releasing the first single from my upcoming album on June 9th called, “Feet In Your Shoes” It was last year’s Sauga Summer Song Contest winner. A song about empathy, I decided to reach out to other artists to create the artwork for the single through a competition of graphic artists from around the world. It was a thrilling experience to see the visual representations of my lyrical ideas. Look out for the music coming very soon, with a shareable mobile e(Empathy)Card. I hope this e(Empathy)Card will inspire listeners to think of people in their life who could use some encouragement and will send them this customizable musical message. 

In the meantime, here are the song lyrics and winning artwork design. 

Feet In Your Shoes   


Let me put a little bit of my feet in your shoes 

Take a little bit of the heat before you blow that fuse

I’ll find a way to make you smile

Take some weight off every mile

Put a little bit of my feet in your shoes


You wrestle with your day

Then you toss and turn all night

This world’s got you more spaced out than a satelite

C’mon back to earth

I wanna let you know you’re seen

Get you dreaming bigger than you’ve ever dreamed




You wanna to dance with joy

But you can’t shake the pain

If you could etch a sketch your world, you’d start over again

But no one get’s control

Nothing goes as planned 

You’ve been working your heart out baby and I understand


Just when you think nothing’s gonna change

That’s the time when lives get rearranged so