Mental health mattersLast week I attended an Arts 4 Mental Health conference put on by Mississauga Arts Council and Mass Culture and it was a powerful think tank for how we might be able to utilize the arts in the face of a desperate upsurge of care needs in a stressed out world.  Pilot programs have already been running in the UK where doctor-prescribed creativity and arts treatment options are available to those experiencing mental well-being issues.  This makes a lot of sense to me as I firmly believe the arts can be a healer, particularly when it is something that can be participatory and co-creative. I’ll keep you posted on how things evolve and you can learn more here

When You Think No One Loves YouIn the meantime, it warmed my heart to see how this group of students from Harper Green High School, with the help of their music teacher Malcolm Wilson, made their own beautiful recording and video of “When You Think No One Loves You”.  It was enough to bring a tear to this stoic Scot’s eye!
Meet you in the music,